Graphic Monkey


[September 24, 2011]

RISE -Art and Music Charity Event for the Tohoku Earthquake-

"RISE" is a one-night collaboration event involving foreign and domestic artists in Kansai as charity for the Tohoku Earthquake.
On the 1st floor we have live drawing and painting and digital art demonstration(Photoshop) by Graphic Monkey , followed by a silent auction, from 6 artists, accompanied by some DJs' cool background music. Downstairs we have 5 or 6 great Kansai-based bands and musicians ranging from R'n'R, Reggae, Jazz, Ska, Funk! All proceeds will go to Tohoku charities.We hope you can come and support us and Japan too!
Thank you.

1FではDJの音楽にあわせ、本格的なライブペインティングとGraphic Monkeyによるデジタルアート・デモンストレーションおよびアート・オークションを同時開催致します。 B1Fでは、関西で活躍する実力派バンドのライブショーもあり、ロックからレゲエ、ジャズ、スカ、ファンクと幅広いジャンルの音楽もお楽しみください!イベントにおける収益はすべて義援金として東北に寄付されます。

Date: 13th(Sun) Nov. Time: 17:00 - Late @Cafe Absinthe in Shinsaibashi
Admission: 1,500yen with one drink (500yen to disaster relief)
Locaion: カフェアブサン(CafeABSINTHE)
大阪府大阪市 西区北堀江1丁目2−27(06-6534-6635 )
The closest subway exits are Shinsaibashi Station exit 7, and Yotsubashi Station exit 6.
最寄りの地下鉄の出口 地下鉄御堂筋線 
心斎橋駅7番出口 地下鉄四ツ橋線
Event Schedule and Details (The time schedule may be changed depending on the performances.)

[Live Painting and Art silent Auction (1F)] around 17:00 -
-Daas (Paint /
-Graphic Monkey(Graphic / *Live Digital photoshop demonstrations with projector
-Ben Mc Donough (Paint / Illustration)
-Bryan Williams (Marvel comic style illustrator )
-James Tohill (Surrealist painter and pencil artist )
-Ryan Parker (Fine art illustrator and collage art)
-Benny (Chopstik Tattoo / )
-Isaac Schulz (
-Erik Svare

[Music Live lineup (Downstairs)] around 18:00 -
18-18:40 Dan Kane (Acoustic)
19-19:40 1.G.K. (Digital Groove Rock) 20-20:40 Fanky Nasso (Ska / Funk)
21-21:40 Izah Blue Hi-n Tenzion (Reggae / Funk )
22-23:00 PJ III with Swing Peter & Omar (Jazz / Funk)
23:30-late DJs

[DJ lineup] around 17:30
- Alex Timmis (UK/House)
Dmitri (Cafe Absinthe/House)
Dom Pang(CODA/House)
Setsuna NoiseMaker(Mix Juice/House)
Joey(Jelectromance) and more.

[Exhibition (1F & Downstairs)]
Graphic Monkey(Machi)
David Bateman
Paul Whitton
Maya Uegaki
Danny Gong
Erik Svare

*各開始時間は当日の流れによっては若干変動する場合がございます。(The time schedule may be changed depending on the performances.)
*イベントにおける収益はすべて義援金として東北に寄付されます。 (All proceeds will go to Tohoku charities.)

Special thanks for: Anna Wrabel Suzuki, Alex Timmis, Ben Mc Donough, Bryan Williams, Ben Her, Café Absinthe & Staff, Dan Kane, Danny Gong, Dom Pang, Dmitri, Fanky Nasso, Fumiko Azuma,Graphic Monkey, Erik Svare, Guido Saldana, Paul Whitton, Ryan Parker, Lee Walton, Isaac Schulz, Izah Blue Hi-n Tenzion, James Tohill, Jamie Goodenough, Joey, Kiyoko Nagai, Kyoko Gamo, Maya Uegaki, Omar Cardona, P.J., Peter Vawter, Setsuna, Tasuya Suzuki and anyone we may have not mentioned. Thanks you so much.

<2013.3.11 追記> 被災された多くの方、今も復興に向け日夜努力をされておられる方全てに捧げます。
Pray for all victims and lost from Tohoku Earthquake.
We still keep trying more things what we could through art and music as possible as we can. Thanks and best rgrds.

[June 04, 2011]

HeadSpace at Cafe Absinthe, Sinsaibashi, Osaka

[June 04, 2011]

RISE -Art and Music Charity Event for the Tohoku Earthquake-

Saturday June 4th sees the return of the Headspace Arts & Music Festival at Cafe Absinthe.
The follow up to last years wildly successful event will be in collaboration with Galaxy Gallery and will show case Headspaces’ artists in residence from the UK, Felt Mistress and Jonathan E who design and create unique monster characters.
Saturday, June 4 at 6:00pm - June 5 at 5:00am
This year’s MONSTER event promises to be as eclectic and dramatic as the last with live music from 6 bands, dance, performance, photography, live painting and interactive installations. The event will be headlined by Eggore, purveyors of immersive ambient sounds and explosive live physical painting, along with 60 other local and international artists and musicians. HeadSpace is an event not to be missed. Get yourself down to Cafe Absinthe and revel in the creative abundance that Kansai has to offer!
Headspace will be holding a charity art auction with all proceeds going to the Tohoku disaster relief efforts. Bidding will be open for 24 hours starting at the opening of the event. Bag yourself original artwork and support a good cause at the same time.
There will also be a large collection of arts, crafts, and music on sale at the HeadSpace Artist’s Shop.

今年もやります!!HeadSpaceのアート&ミュージックフェスティバル in カフェアブサン!
Galaxy Galleryとのコラボレーションにより、60人を越える地元関西と海外のアーティスト&ミュージシャンが集結。

[November 06, 2010]

report on WATCH exhibition 2010

Great thanks for all people came to my exhibition.
It was my first proper solo exhibition in my life, such a great experience!
Hope to have next one someday soon in the future.

[November 06, 2010]

Graphic Monkey solo exhibition 2010 -WATCH-

鰻谷 燦粋 - club unagidani sunsui -
9/30(thu) · 8:00pm - 11:00pm

In celebration of my exhibition from October 1st - 28th at Shinsaibashi's club Sunsui on September 30th my English DJ friend is throwing a one night only house party!
It's on a Thursday night but please get your friends and stop by!
Its only 2000yen with one free drink!

club unagidani sunsui (鰻谷 燦粋)
TEL: 06-6243-3641

大阪市中央区東心斎橋1-12-20 心斎橋シキシマビル B1F
■地下鉄御堂筋線 心斎橋駅: 5番出口から心斎橋筋を北へ。2筋目を東へ。徒歩5分
■地下鉄長堀鶴見緑地線 長堀橋駅: クリスタ長堀南6番出口 徒歩3分
(Subway Midosuji-Line Shinsaibashi Sta. No.5 Exit, 5mins walk or Subway Tsurumi-Ryokuchi Line Nagahoribashi Sta. Crista Nagahori South No.6 Exit, 3mins walk.)

090-4280-8332 (English OK) or 06-6243-3641(Japanese Only) OK)


[April 03, 2010]

HeadSpace – Cafe Absinthe

Studio HeadSpace, in conjunction with Cafe Absinthe and CODA, presents “HeadSpace”, a one-night arts & music festival, headlined by David Shillinglaw (Studio HeadSpace artist in residence from UK). With over 30 artists and performers, 6 bands and 8 DJs, this event will truly reflect the wealth of diverse local talent in Kansai and will be a party with very few boundaries.
“HeadSpace” will take place at the new stylish premises of Cafe Absinthe, a long time supporter of the Osaka arts scene and promises to be a rich rollercoaster ride of arts, music, and performance. Come be part of the festivities and let us inspire your head space.
Studio HeadSpace is a brand new artist run non-profit gallery based in Nara city.
Our mission is to promote and support artists based in Kansai.
We also run an international artist residency programme, offering the chance for foreign artists to live and work at our Studio.

Cafe Absinthe
2010 . 4 . 17 7pm – 5am
entry ¥1,500 (all proceeds go to the artists and musicians)

[April 25, 2009]

JAPANZINE Apr. the art issue

One of famous free magazines for foreigners living in Japan, "JAPANZINE" introduced some of STATIK GRAPHICS artworks for this month's art issue. Also you can see our artwork on the front cover.
Drawing by David Bateman (aka BLOUSA) and other graphics by Graphic Monkey.

[March 03, 2008]


UK出身のアーティスト、BLOUSAと一緒に 4月1日~4月30日まで約1ケ月間、大阪アメ村に最近OPENしたお友達のカフェ「dragonfly cafe」でアート展します。めちゃくちゃ雰囲気の良いカフェなので、是非遊びに来てください!
また、4月5日(土)の20時から、JAPANZINEでおなじみのDJ ZIIDAとカフェ・オーナーであるDJ Stoutを招いてのhouse/jazz/hiphopを織り交ぜたオープニングclubナイト★パーティーを予定していますので、excitingすること間違いなし!!! そちらもお見逃し無く!!!
STATIK GRAPHICS(BLOUSAxMACHI) exhibition at Dragonflycafe -Osaka- in American Village during April 2008.